Flydende rejsemesse

Fra ASTA, den amerikanske rejsebureauforening, har vi via ECTAA modtaget en invitation til at deltage i ASTA’s flodkrydstogt i 2025 i Wien. De inviterer alle europæiske rejsebureauer, og der er rabat til medlemmer af ECTAA (dvs. rejsebureauer, der er medlemmer af DRF):

ASTA, the American Society of Travel Advisers, is organizing the ASTA’s River Cruise Expo 2025 between 12 and 15 March 2025 in Vienna, Austria. At this occasion, it would be delighted to have companies from ECTAA members present for the trade show, offering to maximize their exposure to the over 1,500 U.S.-based Travel Advisors attending the event.

All European travel companies wishing to connect with American travel advisors might be interested wherever their location and the type of services they provide: the audience is in Vienna to better understand the European market and get networking opportunities.

To make participation more accessible, ASTA is offering ECTAA members a discounted rate, detailed below. The rates are reduced by $1,000 and include an additional event badge for each company that registers, which is an added value of $499. The event badge gains access to Welcome Reception, General Session, 6-hours of Tradeshow, and Closing Reception.

The Exhibitor Registration for suppliers opened on 3rd July and is possible at the following Registration Link:

Kontakt sekretariatet for at modtage den rabatkode, der skal bruges ved registreringen, hvis du ønsker at deltage.

Standard Placement Corner Placement
Current Rates: $3,200 USD $4,200 USD
ECTAA Discounted Rates: $2,200 USD $3,200 USD

A short video announcing the River Cruise Expo 2025 is available here:

Hvis du har spørgsmål, så kontakt gerne DRF’s sekretariat. Vi formidler herefter kontakt til den person i ECTAA, du skal skrive til.

Danmarks Rejsebureau Forening
DK-1217 København K
CVR. Nr.: 20 77 03 17